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Example Tudor Library / Study Paneling
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Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

Example 6

Example 7

Example 8

Example 9

Example 10 - Tudor Quartersawn Oak Room in

Example 11 - Tudor Quartersawn Oak Library with Limestone Fireplace

Example 12 - Tudor Quartersawn Oak Library with Linenfold and Gothic carvings

Example 13 - Tudor Quartersawn Oak Library with plaster ceiling

Example 14 - Tudor Quartersawn Oak room with arched paneled doors, Gaelic/Irish carvings, coat of arms, coffered ceiling

Example 15 - Tudor Quartersawn Oak Library with plaster ceiling, Tudor arched windows, Tudor arched cabinets with hidden doors, and window seat for a Tudor Library in Atlanta

Example 16 - Tudor Quartersawn Oak Library with plaster ceiling, Tudor arched cabinets with hidden doors, and Tudor limestone fireplace for a Tudor Library in Atlanta

Example 17 - Tudor Quartersawn Oak Library with Tudor arched cabinets for a Tudor Library hallway in Atlanta

Example 18 - Tudor Quartersawn Oak Library with plaster ceiling and Tudor arched cabinets for a Tudor Library in Atlanta

Example 17 - Tudor Quartersawn Oak Library with leaded glass window, Coffered ceiling, arched interior doors with spandrel carvings, and Gaelic/Irish carvings, and coat of arms in a Tudor Study in Atlanta

Example 18 - Tudor Library Quarter-sawn Oak Paneling Detail with Tudor Fireplace and Hidden TV Cabinet in a residence in Atlanta

Example 19 - Tudor Library Quartsawn Oak Paneling Detail with Tudor Arched Bookcases and linen-fold carvings

Example 20 - Tudor Study detail of Quartersawn Oak Library Cabinets with Tudor arched bookcases and Tudor arched doors

Example 21 - Tudor overmantle Quartsawn Oak Paneling wall section (not installed) with linen-fold carvings

Example 22 - Tudor Artisan (Mark) at work on a carving

Example 23 - Tudor Quartsawn Oak Paneling wall section with linen-fold carvings and recessed cabinets

Example 24 - Tudor Quartsawn Oak Paneling with matching paneled door and Gaelic Sayings and Celtic Pattern Carvings

Date of last Modification: May 16, 2017
Contact: info@tudorartisans.com
Copyright: Tudor Artisans Inc. 1999-2017